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12インチ レイジー スーザン クロキノールボード用

12インチ レイジー スーザン クロキノールボード用

通常価格 $ 32.00 CAD
通常価格 セール価格 $ 32.00 CAD
セール 売り切れ


レイジー スーザンを購入する際に考慮すべき点:

1) スピナーの直径は、手首またはキュースティックをリムの上に置いたときに、使用するボードが過度に押し下げられる (ぐらつく) のを防ぐのに十分な幅を持っていますか。私たちのレイジースーザンは、ぐらつきを防ぐのに十分な幅の直径を持っています。

2) ボードの重量を支えながらも回転するか、またスピナーに乗っているとき、ディスクがボードの下に落ちないようにボードがテーブルトップに十分近くなるか。  私たちの怠惰なスーザンは、最大 300 ポンドまで支えても回転します。

- Donald S. による寄稿


Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
James Smart
Lazy Susan

Used double stick tape and it works beautifully

Works well after adjustment

This Lazy Susan works as described with only one exception - it doesn't stay still. I tried sieating my Tracy Tournament board on the Lazy Susan and the Lazy Susan slides around table. This happened on our rosewood dining table and glass-top coffee table. I bought a couple of packages of no-slip pads and stuck them all around the bottom and the problem was solved. Rubber feet or pads on the bottom of this Lazy Susan would be great.

Thank you for your review! I'll pass this on to my wife about the rubber feed / pads.

Very helpful. Expands the usability of your board.

This accessory allows my elderly Mom to play the game without having to do any difficult leaning to make shots. It is also very useful if you find yourself playing a doubles match while sitting side by side at a picnic table. Each player still has their own quadrant by simply turning the board. Too easy. The quality of the Lazy Susan is very good. I added a few drop of light oil to the bearings and it spins great. I used a four pieces of tape to hold it on while flipping the board. That worked well. The tape comes off quite easily so the board is not harmed. When your "purest player" friends come over and try to shame you the Lazy Susan comes off no problem at all. I feel it's worth the spend.

Thanks Ted and C.C. staff

Helpful for people that may not be very nimble

This lazy susan is a good aid for people that can't really do the hard lean to make a shot. My 82 year old Mom likes to play but it can be hard to play without the help from this accessory. Sitting at a picnic table side by side with four players is another example of when the lazy susan works well. Each player still has their own quadrant by simply turning the board. To be sporting the other players should hold the board to keep it from turning while your opponent takes a shot. The other option is Dog eat Dog let your opponents hold the board for themselves! Regardless the quality is very good. The size is perfect and there is on wobble. I attached the lazy susan, dead center on the back, four with a small pieces of tape. It comes off with harming the board and works very well to keep it there until your purest friend comes to play!
Worth the money because it expands the playing possibilities of the board.

Thanks Ted and C.C. staff


Super Kenn! Thank you for the review of the Lazy Susan! Have a great day! Ted

Aaron Lewis
Awesome accessory!

Super smooth and stable. Shipped really fast and was delivered in great shape. Definitely makes it easier to play with 4 people!

Thanks so much for your kind review!


Crokinole Canada は、The Fuller Family によって所有および運営されています。テッド、アランダ、アーロン、カレブ、アベルは皆、積極的にビジネスに関わっています。 Crokinole Canada は、奥地にある田舎の店から都市部の店まで、約 10 の異なる工房を利用してクロキノール ボードを製造しています。すべてのクロキノールボードは高品質の素材を使用し、ボードの製造時から倉庫のドアを出る日まで品質管理に注意を払ってカナダで製造されています。私たちは、今後何年にもわたって美しく作られたボードをお客様に提供できることを楽しみにしています。あなたとあなたに神のご加護がありますように! - フラーズ
