What are 7 Things Crokinole Players Share in Common?
The Throbbing Finger - The Thimble
For hours on hot summer days, children flick one disc after another towards the 20s hole or to see how many opponents' discs they can blast into the gutter. It gets so intense that with all these high-powered shots, the finger turns a bright pinky red and starts to throb. Then the discussion turns to, "We should get a thimble and put it on our finger for protection - THIS HURTS!"
A Crokinole Christmas
With piles of shortbread cookies lined up at the family Christmas table, it's no surprise that a crokinole board is found not too far away, just waiting to be played. After a full Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, little Tommy invites grandpa over for a game of crokinole. Little does little Tommy know that grandpa is a sharp shooter when it comes to this game. But that doesn't matter to Tommy; he's just happy to play with his dear grandpa, game after game. This is the best Christmas with grandpa, the milk and shortbread cookies, and one high-stakes game after another.
Crokinole Memories
Sorting through the basement paraphernalia, Joan discovers her favorite childhood memory - that humongous deep burgundy stained relic from the past - dad and mom's crokinole board! Oh, the fun she had knocking the "biscuits" past those worn-out posts. Some posts had seen better days - just the remnants of a screw are left hanging on for dear life. Or maybe another screw is just not there - lost in wear and tear, the hustle and bustle of life. But it's still dear to her heart. Joan dusts it off and resurrects it from the basement, back to the center table where maybe her daughter will enjoy many flicks and laughs with her younger brother. It's a piece of the past, but it's still remembered and cherished forever.
The Old Crokinole Board
Posts missing, the worn-out 20s hole that actually seems to have gotten larger and maybe even easier to score on. Screws for posts where rubber has disintegrated. A rail that's threatening a mutiny, ready to jump ship at any time and fall into oblivion. Nails that poke out here and there. It's a well-loved relic from the past. Still played, still enjoyed, and still wanted long after the original owner has gone to Glory!
"We use Pledge to speed things up!"
Pledge has certainly profited from all the crokinole boards out there needing that extra edge on speed. It seems like everyone recommends Pledge to make that old board a superstar crokinole biscuit speedifier!
"When it hits the post it hurts more!"
Coming from those who just can't seem to get past the post! Mentally, it hurts to see the disc go "ker-plunk" into that barrier of steel or brass! And the other reason is that usually the disc is knocked with abundant kinetic energy that comes with an excessive drawn-out power shot. Be careful or you might split the cookie on that post!
Crokinole Lingo - The "Doogie!"
Coming from a generation past. The doogie somehow came to mean "a 20" shot. You've never heard that? Well, it's been around for at least 50 years. Next time you play crokinole and get that middle, shout out "DOOGIE" with all your might. Shout it again if you get a leaner and just want the disc to fall in.