4 Colors / Player Crokinole

Simple 4 Player Crokinole Having Partners (Doubles) - Most Common Method

There are two good ways to play Crokinole with 4 players. The most common way is to play partners (doubles) having only 2 colors of discs on the board. You split the pieces between your partner sitting opposite to you and then decide who goes first by flipping a coin or having the opposing team pick from your right or left hand a disc. If the disc they pick from either hand is their color they go first. If it is not and is your color, you go first. Then you take turns playing, usually going clockwise around the board until you are out of discs. You can play several rounds up to 100, or as many rounds and up to as many points as you like.

Simple 4 Player Crokinole (Each Man For Himself!)

The easiest way to play crokinole with 4 players each playing their own color is to have the following setup:

  • Each player plays with 6 discs
  • Scoring at the end of each round is not done by cancelling out each others pieces but by adding each ones points on the board from each round (a "horse race" style game)
  • Playing to 120 or more points
  • Use the same regular crokinole rules after that

Common Questions:

1) Question: This question only applies to 4 player Crokinole when playing with a partner (doubles), 2 on 2.  In a 4 player game if there are no opponents discs on the board and after I shoot one of my discs it does not touch the 15 line or does not land in the 15 circle, the shooting disc and all of my other touched discs are removed. Do I also remove any touched discs of my teammate?

Answer: Yes, you would remove your teammates touched discs as well if you are on the same team, same color.

2) Question: This question only applies to 4 player Crokinole when playing with a partner (doubles), 2 on 2.  When there are opponents discs on the board I have to touch them with my own disc. It is valid to touch it with one of my other discs (not the shooting disc). Is it also a valid shoot if I touch it with one of my teammates discs?

Answer: Yes, it is called a combination shot if you shoot your own to your own piece and that piece hits an opponents piece. Yes, it is valid if you touch it with one of your teammates discs too.

3) Question: This question only applies to 4 player Crokinole when playing with a partner (doubles), 2 on 2. If I fail to touch an opponents disc do all hit teammate discs go to the ditch too?

Answer: Yes, if you fail, all teammates discs go in the ditch too.