Valentine's Day Message
This year, with Valentine's Day coming up, I thought it would be a great time to write about the greatest thing we all want to experience - and that is love. Specifically, I would like to focus on some of the characteristics of the best kind of love. I would like to present at least 6 different qualities of God’s love for you personally.
#1 is that God’s love for you is unchanging- He loves you the same yesterday, today, and forever! In the book Jeremiah 31 and verse 3 God says “I have loved you with an everlasting love.”
#2 is that God’s love is unselfish - God didn’t ask for our love, He gave it to us first. We love God because He first loved us says 1 John 4 verse 19. The next amazing thing about God’s love is that we can’t earn it or deserve it. God is totally unique, without sin, and He is just. As those who sin, we have done things that do not deserve God’s love. But God loves us anyways and forgives us of all our sin when we turn in repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Romans 5 verse 8 says that “God gave His love to us in that even while we were sinners, Christ died for us.” How profound! That God gave His Son to make unconditional love and forgiveness towards us possible! It makes us want to love and live for Him, walking in His ways of truth, justice, and mercy! The next quality of God’s love is that it is profoundly deep and miraculous. The miracle is that God was in Jesus Christ bearing the punishment for our sins on the cross. Can you imagine the amount of suffering Jesus Christ went through to take away our sins? He suffered not for any sin of His own for He is beautiful and perfect. He did this so we could experience the joy of Heaven with God! Truly a sacrifice made in love for us. The next feature of God’s love is that it is undying. Even though Jesus died, God raised Him 3 days later so that He could continue to love us and provide us with all good things, such as the gift of the Holy Spirit, the temporary blessings we enjoy here on earth, and eternal Glory! So true love never dies forever, but it lives on forever. And that is Jesus! He died, rose, and lives forever to pardon anyone who comes to God through Him. The last thing about God’s love is that we don’t have to rely on our own merits to receive it. Because it is a gift we don’t have to earn it. Our good deeds don’t have to outweigh our bad deeds. In God’s way of doing things, He completely wipes away all our bad deeds and doesn’t need our good deeds to have a perfect love with us but instead gives us Jesus as the only goodness we will ever need in this life to be in Heaven with Him. God loves us unconditionally. That is what is amazing about love. It’s a gift, it’s freely given, and it’s everlasting life to all who will receive it - and it’s found in Jesus Christ alone. God bless you and your loved ones this Valentine’s Day! May we all be found rejoicing in the love of God our Savior.
Ted Fuller